Bike photos by Steve Magas, a race in Walnut Hills, a bike rack at Ride Cincinnati, A ghost bike dedication ceremony and a beautiful bike bell

Protecting The Rights Of Those Who Ride

Steve Magas is Ohio's Bike Lawyer. He has written about Ohio Bike Laws, bike crashes, bicycle advocacy and court cases for some 30 years. Soon we'll be adding a series of features about your favorite Ohio bike shops.

Doo-Dah’s Idiotic “Parody” Taps a Nerve

This story is making the rounds in the bike advocacy media… this fellow apparently has it out for cyclists – He took the time to create this elaborate “float” for the Columbus, Ohio Doo Dah parade – his sign reads “I’ll share the road when you follow the rules” – He depicts his car smashing into a cyclist, with the cyclist landing on the roof……/

Of course, his point was to tick off cyclists – the Doo Dah parade likely attracted a demographic in Columbus that tended to support cyclists – the motorist likely certainly succeeded wildly in meeting his goal. And because this is a “free country,” his First Amendment rights were thoroughly protected, of course & the Doo Dah parade has a long, rich history of parody, aggressive parody, political incorrectness and “edgy humor.”
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Gorillas & Death & Cars and Bikes

Here in Cincinnati the Voices of Humanity are Aghast that a gorilla was killed at the zoo to save the life of a little boy – there is Moral Outrage aimed at the Mom due to her “Careless” behavior in allowing a curious young boy to wander…

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 12.54.44 AM

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Three Foot Bill Passes Ohio House

Today – May 24, 2015 – the Ohio House passed House Bill 154 by a vote of 78-15. The bill now goes on to the Ohio Senate – hopefully, we’ll have success in the Senate and get the bill to the Governor before year’s end… or else we have to start all over again…

In 2013 the Board of the Ohio Bicycle Federation started the long, arduous process of getting a bill passed –  our Three Foot Bill was introduced with fanfare, and without real opposition… On May 20, 2013 I testified in favor of the bill before the Transportation Committee. The original bill had 3 parts – a law requiring  a minimum of three feet of space when passing a cyclist, a second provision which would allow cyclists to go through a red light if the signal detector failed to detect them and a third provision changing the definition of a “bicycle” to incorporate pedal driven vehicles with more than 2 or 3 wheels.

3' Banner Columbus

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What Sort of Sentences do Hit/Run Killers Get?

What sort of sentences do hit/run killers of cyclists get? It really depends on whether or not you can show the killer was a “bad guy” –

Joseph Knott hit and killed Logan Snedeker. Knott admitted his guilt to two counts of aggravated vehicular homicide and one count each of failure to stop and drunk driving.

The judge sent him away for 9 years.

Logan Snedeker's family watches Sentencing

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2015 Ohio Fatal Bike Crash – Project

I reported in October that 2015 wasn’t going very well – turns out I was righter than right – 2015 was the worst year for cycling fatalities in Ohio in the past 20+ years. Since 1994 Ohio has averaged almost 16 fatal bike crashes per year – in 2015 we had TWENTY SIX.  A short list of cyclists killed in Ohio in 2015 is below.

We are working on a review of each and every fatal crash. We have obtained the full crash report for most of the crashes and will soon be publishing a detailed summary of each case with our analysis of the cause of the crash, what happened and why, who was at fault… We are also trying to obtain information on any criminal cases arising out of the fatal crashes. Stay tuned…

For now, though, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of those who lost their life riding their bikes on Ohio roads in 2015…

Cyclists Killed In Ohio in 2015



This has been a lousy year – a statistically crappy year – a year in which 18 Ohio cyclists have been killed, so far.

Yes, EIGHTEEN cyclists killed in Ohio so far this year – We average 15-16 fatalities annually – a “good” year statistically for Ohio is 10-11 and a bad year 18+… Recent crashes have been particularly troubling and emotional including the hit/run death of Charles Startup in Oberlin, Ohio and the horrific crash in Brecksville, Ohio in which a pick-up truck made a left turn into the path of FIVE oncoming cyclists, killing Matt Billings and Jim Lambert, and injuring three others.

Our Fatal Crash Project is looking at each and every one of these 18 crashes in detail. As described below, we are obtaining the crash data and will be analyzing and reviewing each crash in the future.

On a broader level thought the GOAL is – NEEDS to be –  ZERO fatalitiesVISION ZERO is a movement to reach that goal – This needs to be the goal of every motorist, and the official goal and policy of every state. Sadly, it is not. In fact, if you read statistical summaries, as I do, you see things like 30,000 traffic deaths in the U.S. is a “good” year. THIRTY THOUSAND INNOCENT PEOPLE WERE KILLED in the United States in completely preventable crashes, yet that’s deemed a “good” year.

THAT, my friends, is crazy talk…

From the Vision Zero website:

The Vision Zero is the Swedish approach to road safety thinking. It can be summarised in one sentence: No loss of life is acceptable. The Vision Zero approach has proven highly successful. It is based on the simple fact that we are human and make mistakes. The road system needs to keep us moving. But it must also be designed to protect us at every turn.

Crash Investigation - Brecksville, Ohio - Two Cyclists Killed

Crash Investigation – Brecksville, Ohio – Two Cyclists Killed

Also from Vision Zero

The Vision Zero starts with a statement: we are human and we make mistakes. Our bodies are subject to biomechanical tolerance limits and simply not designed to travel at high-speed. Yet we do so anyway. An effective road safety system must always take human fallibility into account.

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What do Guns, Roller Coasters and Bicycles Have In Common?

Sounds like a crazy headline – “Gun Shop Ordered to pay nearly $6 Million” to people injured by gun it sold…

The BIG picture of this story is not about guns at all though – it’s about the power which you feel when you even buy ar 15 accessories and of the CIVIL justice system to put financial pressure on businesses to behave lawfully and about holding businesses which operate illegally accountable for the reasonably foreseeable consequences of their illegal behavior.

The story here goes to the heart of a huge problem in the gun world – “straw” buyers – someone who doesn’t qualify to purchase a gun uses some nice [qualified] friend to buy the gun they want – it’s illegal – a serious violation of federal law which can lead to the prosecution of the straw buyer, the person who hired the straw buyer and the gun shop.

Here, 2 police officers were shot in the line of duty by a guy they stopped. That guy wasn’t allowed to buy a gun himself so he used/paid a friend, a”straw” buyer, to buy the gun for him from the defendant gun shop.

From the court evidence the shooter took his buddy, the straw man, to the shop and “… pointed to a Taurus semiautomatic pistol and said, “That’s the one I want,” according to SURVEILLANCE VIDEO… Then he helped his friend,[the straw man] who was struggling to fill out a two-page form. A hovering STORE CLERK helped as well, showing the friend how to correct mistakes and ensure he was listed as the buyer.”

The two cops sued the gun shop in CIVIL court- seeking damages for carelessly allowing the straw purchase.

The “friend” is doing 2 years in prison for participating in the purchase. The shooter got an 80 year sentence or shooting two cops. The gun shop is out of business – but hey… don’t fret, the same owners simply shut down that one and opened a new one. Such is corporate life in America…you can bury the sins of the past in bankruptcy filings or the corporate shell game – then simply reload & fire immediately from the new corporate entity…

The civil justice system can’t put anyone in jail – it can’t prevent bad guys from getting guns – it won’t reach into your home and take your gun and does not prevent qualified buyers from buying as many guns as they want… but the civil justice system CAN provide a very strong financial incentive for gun shops to take the steps required under the law to make sure “Straw” sales don’t happen…

Here, the store’s own surveillance video provided all the evidence the jury needed to determine that the store was “negligent” – NOT “guilty of a crime” but careless in failing to see the straw sale happening in front of its corporate face – indeed, HELPING the straw man complete the forms along with the shooter …

This is the same sort of law which requires bars to stop serving drunks and renders them liable when they DO serve drunks and the very foreseeable bad outcome occurs… you cannot ignore warning signs – a guy falls off the bar stool you’d better stop serving him. A guy points to a gun & tells his buddy “That’s the one I want” – you’d better not make that sale…

Will the judgment hold up on appeal? eh… maybe not… the whole “foreseeability” thing may be a stretch… but this is an example of how the CIVIL justice system can provide another angle to attack greedy, careless, troubling and illegal corporate behavior.

This case is not about “guns” at all – it’s about businesses cheating to make money, and also putting the public at risk through their malfeasance. If a concrete company carelessly, or intentionally, ignores problems in its concrete and as a result a building collapses it can be financially liable for the deaths, injuries and losses – if an amusement park ignores laws regarding safety and a roller coaster flies off the tracks it can be held accountable financially in the civil justice system – If a car manufacturer violates federal law and makes a car that is not crashworthy, it can be held liable financially for the foreseeable injuries and damages… these safety laws are designed to protect the public from the foreseeable results of stupid, careless and illegal behavior.

Where do bicycles fit into this equation. Well, one negative angle, for some anyway, are the “lawyer’s lips” that came into vogue.  Sheldon Brown’s incredible webpage discusses them like this –

  • Because some bicycle users are competent enough to remove their front wheels but not competent enough to secure them properly when they reinstall them, virtually all new bike purchasers have been deprived of the handy function of quick-release front wheels.This has been done by encumbering fork ends with extra hardware, ridges or lumps that keep the wheel sort-of attached even if it has been installed by someone who doesn’t know what he or she is doing. Unfortunately, this means that the quick-release mechanism must be re-adjusted each time it is used, seriously slowing down the operation.Since this extra stuff was installed as a defense against frivolous lawsuits by ambulance-chasing shysters, the extra bumps are sometimes known as “lawyer lips” or “lawyer tabs.”As “lawyer lips” have become the norm, they have gradually become more important than they originally were, for two reasons:
  • The prevalence of these secondary retention systems in front, and vertical dropouts in the rear has caused the proliferation of inferior skewer designs that are cheaper to manufacture, but much less secure than traditional skewers.
  • The introduction of disc brakes has caused increased vulnerability of the front axle and skewer, due to the disc brake applying an ejection force that tends to pull the axle out of the fork.

Here, many would argue that the civil justice system failed. I disagree. While hardcore cyclists had no problem with manipulating quick release skewers, bicycles were these racing-oriented features were sold to everyone.  Experts would testify as to how difficult it was to properly set the tension on the skewer. Often failures occurred on the 1st ride, or after the 1st attempt by the novice to attach the wheel to the frame. The failures, when they occurred, were often catastrophic. The higher the risk, the higher the duty of care the law imposes…

Another area where civil justice intertwined with cycling was in the infamous “Skid-Lid” helmet litigation in the 1980s, as well as in any number of product defect cases and crashes arising out of investigations by the Consumer Products Safety Commission.

While the civil justice system is primarily aimed at compensating the victims for losses, when companies are forced to pay for catastrophic damages, they often end up changing their business practices to avoid similar payouts in the future… hitting for-profit businesses in the money belt is usually the most effective mechanism to use to effect change…

Businesses are in business to make money – when they make it through illegal sales, it can come back to bite them… there’s a very good reason why “straw” purchases are illegal – when the gun shop buries its head in the sand and ignores the blatant warning signals that a “straw” purchase is happening it risks some huge financial, and criminal, penalties…

2015 Ohio Bicycle Crash Numbers & A Closer Look at a Deadly Crash

As of this writing, August 23, 2015,there have been 683 bike crashes listed in the ODPS data base. In those crashes there have been 12 reported fatal crashes, 88 crashes involving “incapacitating injuries” and 303 non-capacitating injuries. In case of a fatal blow, you might want to check the services like this wrongful death attorney.

The fatal crashes have included 2 kids 10 and under, 2 kids aged 11-15 and 3 more under the age of 25. That’s a bit unusual. In the past several years, the vast majority of riders killed on Ohio roads have been older.


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Ohio Bike Laws


By Steven M. Magas, Ohio’s Bike Lawyer[1]

I originally wrote this piece in 2010.  Today I am modifying, adding some new content and republishing this summary of Ohio Bike Laws.I am including a brief discussion of “Home Rule” issues and local municipal codes.

Have you ever wondered what “The Law” actually SAYS about riding a bicycle?  Many Ohio riders are familiar with some of the common rules or phrases.  The “AFRAP” rule, for example. Most cyclists have an “opinion” on what “AFRAP” means but have you ever reviewed the actual statutory language?

Many folks also have a sense that we have a “right” to ride our bicycles on the roadway, but where does that right come from? What limitations are there on that right? Can that right be taken away? Can cities pass their own bike laws? Can those be different from State Law?

WOSU in Columbus is a public radio station associated with The Ohio State University. Ann Fisher's All Sides is a very popular show. Ann has invited on for a "Bike" show for the past few years.

WOSU in Columbus is a public radio station associated with The Ohio State University. Ann Fisher’s All Sides is a very popular show. Ann has invited Steve to be on her annual “Bike” show for the past few years.

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I have seen an article floating around some of the bike pages on the “What To Do If You Crash” topic. It is… how do we say… lacking … in several critical areas, I think… Particularly for Ohio cyclists who crash and are injured when they are struck by a car.  WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU ARE IN A CRASH WITH A CAR?

Here’s a short list off the top of my head…

1. PROTECT YOURSELF  – if you can move – move off the road, but BE CAREFUL… Remember Adrenaline is like Magic Fairy Dust that can make you THINK you’re not hurt when you are. Head Injuries, from mild to wild, are common in bike/car crashes and, again, a mild brain shakeup may have saying and doing unusual things… Hopefully you’ll be able to see through the fog and remember these next few items… but PROTECT YOURSELF first and foremost.

2. PROTECT THE SCENE –> leave the bike and debris where it is Do NOT MOVE ANYTHING on the road – DO NOT allow the car to move if possible – Tell the Driver the car needs to STAY until police arrive – yes, it’ll cause a back up of traffic, but once the scene is changed, evidence is destroyed and it can NEVER be re-done.  I can tell you that your first thought will be I GOTTA PROTECT MY BIKE… but DO NOT do that…

Having evidence IN PLACE at the scene when police arrive is very important. Police need to see everything just as it ended up. In a bigger, more serious crash a crash reconstruction may be done. Measurements of everything will be taken… Police now use something called a Total Station to do these measurements. It’s like a fancy computerized surveying transit that takes extremely precise measurements of everything… the bike, the car, skid marks, debris & the debris field, landmarks… Once the scene is moved… it is tainted…and police have to guess 

2. GET THE POLICE AND EMT’s to the scene – This SHOULD be a no brainer. But… from my experience cyclists who are whacked by cars are funny sometimes… they often want to dust themselves off and get on their way… they feel almost… embarrassed that THEY got whacked by a car because the OTHER DRIVER WAS CARELESS… Do NOT be that person… don’t go riding off…Get teh Police & EMTs to the scene… I had a client who CALLED ME FROM THE CRASH SITE and asked if she should call the police. Now… we figured out later that her brain was playing tricks on her due to her mild TBI/concussion that she suffered, but she was seriously considering just riding off after being taken out by a right turning car while she was IN THE BIKE LANE… it was raining and the stupid 911 operator was trying to talk her into NOT having police respond… do NOT take that bait… –>ALWAYS get police to the scene

3. DO NOT REFUSE TREATMENT – Remember –> Adrenaline is like Magic Fairy Dust – It makes you think you get up and go – It makes you ignore pain – it makes you think you might not be hurt -IGNORE the Adrenaline Rush & get yourself checked out – Let the EMTs do their thing – it is important for you to start creating a PAPER TRAIL so document your pain and wounds/injuries to the EMTs. Your adrenaline rush will wear off at some point and pain is very likely to set in.

I had one client who was riding along when a smallish puppy came out to play and ran right under his wheel, causing him to go head over handlebars onto the pavement. The owner came out but the cyclist just rode away after talking, declining the pup owner’s request to call 911… a mile or so later, when his adrenaline wore off, he pedaled directly through the front doors into an Urgent Care as he realized his clavicle was extremely painful, and likely fractured.

I had another client who was wearing a helmet cam and when he got rear-ended he got knocked off the bike & his helmeted head hit the pavement. For the next 30 minutes he was talking to folks, telling them he wanted to go- thankfully he got whacked across the street from “Pill Hill”, a collection of hospitals in Cincinnati, and several doctors were eating lunch at Chipotle & saw the crash. They came out & kept him calm and in place. Later, he had NO MEMORY OF ANY OF THIS- Zero – Zip… the video kept playing though, so we could see what he saw and hear what he said… scary…

Billingsley Crash Scene Read the rest of this entry »