Well friends, clients, followers… I was out shopping on Black Friday… my trusty Dell laptop, the one that runs the office, had “blipped” for the second time this year. Everything was backed up, of course, and the blip was “minor” – according to the Geek Squad, it was “…either a hardware problem or a software problem…” um… Can you spell “Duh?”
Soooooo… after debating for a few days I took the plunge on Black Friday, with a MAC sale going on.
Steven Magas, Attorney At Law has joined the many law firms around the country running on, living in, MAC-ville! Yes, a 13″ MacBook Pro now holds everything. What a great machine – it’s actually smaller than the CALENDAR I used to carry around to keep all court appearances logged in correctly.
We’ve spent the past weeks getting the MacBook up and running with all files, documents, photos and the like… and getting the user… me… up to speed on the hardware/software. Fun stuff!
So, posts here have been off a while, but will start coming fast and furious now! So Stay Tuned!
We would like to THANK all of our clients, friends, family and colleagues for their patience and cooperation during our very successful start up! The first six months have been a BLAST and we’re looking to take off in 2010!
Today, I got the BIG BIKE out – the BMW R1150RT – for a brisk run around town. Thankfully, all heated gear worked perfectly because I haven’t had time to do the math on the 80 mph windchill yet!
Enjoy the holiday season!
Steve Magas
© 2025.
Don’t forget to tap the Genius Bar if you get stuck!
Happy New Year!
— DanC
…and here I thought the Genius Bar was a place I could hang out and get a drink when I was baffled!