Tonight, Thursday, November 12, will mark a new era in THE LAW in Cincinnati.  There will be PRE-SGBB and POST-SGBB. November 12 is the Cincinnati Bar Association’s 2009 “Bar Idol” Cincinnati Bar Foundation 50/50 Campaign Kick Off Party…

OK… so lawyers are wordy… does this surprise you?  Somebody was probably billing $400/hour to come up with that title…

The bottom line is that various lawyer MUSICAL groups will be competing for the “Bar Idol” award in front of a gallery of celebrity judges including none other than Cincinnati’s own BOOTSY COLLINS.


Included in the event are groups with some very catchy names -Attractive Nuisances… Chrissy Dunn… The Foster Grants… The Eric Steiden Quartet…

OK, so lawyers are not so hot at catchy names… does this surprise you??

But… the highlight of the evening… by far… will be the appearance of that wildest of bands…. a band that needs as many lawyer members as it can recruit… a daring band of middle-aged men and women who are not too proud to let it ALL hand out in their red Union Suits, white fur-trimmed shorts and other holiday “spirit” while marchng around playing whacked out arrangements of your holiday favorites… yes.. I’m talking about SANTA’S GOODY BAG BAND!

The Santa Band [SGBB] has been around for more than 25 years – raising money each year for Shriner’s Hospital by marching through bar after bar, restaurant after restaurant, accepting nothing but cash and free drinks while entertaining at Masses… er… not “at Masses” per se… rather entertaining “the masses” who frequent bars and restaurants – [come to think of it, these ARE one and the same….]   These marching band aficionados somehow find a company to rent thema big yellow school bus and drive around town each Christmas season and their annual foray into the world.

In 2009, it’s different… it’s ON.

Reacting to a challenge from the Bar Association, SGBB decided to form an early regiment and try to WIN THIS THING.  The band will be there, in force, on Novembe 12 – and so will I. [And this ringing endorsement of the band has NO relationship whatsoever to the plug the band gives my firm on its “links” page… which you can see here]

Your trumpet playing scrivener will be in his SGBB finest – I traded in my elf costume [see far left in the pic below]  for some white fur tonight and will be appearing at The Blue Wisp this Thursday with the Santa Band… wailing away with the good boys and girls with the hope of becoming a Cincinnati Bar Association IDOL!

You gotta PAY to PLAY – so to speak…. so come out and VOTE for THE SANTA BAND by paying a buck, or more, to our celebrity judges!

wow… what a good looking group…

Santa Band

Printed from: https://ohiobikelawyer.com/uncategorized/2009/11/9122009-the-santa-band-is-coming-tonight-ho-ho-ho/ .
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