Bike photos by Steve Magas, a race in Walnut Hills, a bike rack at Ride Cincinnati, A ghost bike dedication ceremony and a beautiful bike bell

Protecting The Rights Of Those Who Ride

Steve Magas is Ohio's Bike Lawyer. He has written about Ohio Bike Laws, bike crashes, bicycle advocacy and court cases for some 30 years. Soon we'll be adding a series of features about your favorite Ohio bike shops.



From an interesting website comes this listing of funny INSURANCE stuff… yea, yea, I know.  I was skeptical too.  But, these are a scream.  A list of some of the goofy stuff people have written to try to get their insurance claims paid!  WoW~ Keep Up The GREAT STUFF “Swap Meet Dave!”


Funny insurance claims:
explanations and photos.

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I have been looking to replace, and upgrade, my primary ride.  The folks at Independent Fabrication make a darn good bike!  I found one used at a good price recently and snapped it up.   It’s a steel frame Club Racer.

Mitch, at BioWheels, accepted shipment and tore it down.  From what he could tell, it has barely been ridden.  Mitch recommended Matt Bell as someone with the skills to put a very cool paint job on the new bike – something suitable for framing, or at least Advertising the Bike Lawyer Brand of Bike Law!  Here’s a shot of what we’re shooting for [and the misspellings WILL be corrected in the final draft]:

I’ll let you know how it turns out!

UPDATE 9/1/2010

Well, the parts have been stripped by Mitch and the painting is underway.  Matt Bell sent me the pix  below to let me know that it’s LOOKING GOOD! I agree 100%



By Steven M. Magas[1], – 513-484-BIKE

Ottawa Hills, Ohio.  I remember hearing this name as a kid – some fancy, rich little community up near Toledo, Ohio.  Wikipedia states that there are 4,564 residents, as of the 2000 census, and a police force.

The Police Department’s webpage is ominous.

“Our enforcement of traffic laws in well known in the region and we believe that traffic enforcement is a fundamental tool for keeping the Village safe. Fair and consistent law enforcement is a key characteristic of our department.”

What comes to mind when you read THAT?  To me, that says “…we cut you no slack on speed, stop signs or red lights…”  Sure enough, I mention Ottawa Hills to a friend and the first word that comes up is “SPEEDTRAP.”

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National Public Radio asked this simple question “Tell us about your favorite bike ride…” The request was posted on Facebook around midnight.  In the first 10 minutes they had more than 300 responses.  Overnight there were over 1000 responses.  During the few seconds between my two posts this morning there were another dozen or so responses.

NPR hit a nerve here.  They tapped into an important section of America’s brain – our psyche – and exposed an important truth.  We LOVE to ride bikes.  In reading some of the 1000+ responses, we quickly find that there are “favorite” rides all over the country – all over the WORLD.  The rides described are not huge, fancy, expensive group rides or tours – they are simple rides through beautiful spots – India, Kentucky, the Blue Ridge, various Rails to Trails spots, Belgium, Vermont, New York, Ohio…

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Stop Signs & Bike Trails

Stop Signs & Bike Trails

Lisa & I rode the trail today.  Neither of us had been to the Trail in Loveland in some years so we drove up to Loveland and took a ride.   It was an interesting day, which brought up an interesting legal issue!

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FROM:  STEVE MAGAS, The Bike Lawyer


On August 19, 2008, bicyclist Anthony Patrick, from Huntington, West Virginia, was Tasered by Lawrence County, Ohio Deputy Charles Hammonds and Chesapeake Police Department Dennis Gibson.  Patrick was riding his bicycle with another rider when Deputy Hammonds told Patrick to get off the road.  Patrick told Hammonds he had as much right to be on the road as the deputy.  A series of events unfolded thereafter which ended with Patrick be Tasered, arrested and charged with a series of “crimes” including “Riding a Bicycle on the Roadway,” resisting arrest, failing to obey a lawful order and other crimes.

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2008 Statistics Confirm –> CYCLING IS SAFE!

NHTSA’s 2008 Traffic Data report on Bicycling confirms what I’ve been saying – CYCLING IS SAFE!

Well, they don’t come right out and say that … but… let’s look at the numbers.

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Supreme Court says “Cops VISUAL Is All They Need for Speeding Ticket”

In a wild new decision, the Ohio Supreme Court has decided that a cop’s VISUAL determination of speed is all that is needed to support a speeding ticket!

Screen shot 2010-06-02 at 11.43.57 AM

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Can The Bicycle Save The World?

“…After your first day of cycling, one dream is inevitable.  A memory of motion lingers in the muscles of your legs, and round and round they seem to go.  You ride through Dreamland on wonderful dream bicycles that change and grow.” ~H.G. Wells, The Wheels of Chance.

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Steve is a Featured Blogger!

Guest Blogging at Soapbox Cincinnati!

Soapbox Cincinnati is an online E-zine that features news and stories about Cincinnati, financial stories, neighborhood stories, restaurant stories and… a weekly guest blogger.  I was asked to be the Guest Blogger during Bike Month!

You can read my online blog posts here.

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