Under Ohio law, a person has exactly the same right to operate a bicycle on the roadway as she/he does to operate a car, truck, bus, motorcycle, buggy, or other “vehicle.”  Bicycles are unique, though, in that they are small, light, quick and maneuverable.  When we try to look at the data from a crash and figure out what happened when a bicycle is involved in the crash, sometimes special skills are needed. One might have to call a San Antonio car accident lawyer in personal injury cases.

I have used special “bicycle accident reconstruction” experts and  Riverside personal injury attorneys in certain cases.  Such a person has a background in engineering and accident reconstruction, but also has logged many miles on a bicycle and understands the risks, dangers and joys of riding a bike on the road. Go to Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyers to get some advice on what has to be done.

As a contributing author to that epic tome, “Bicycle Accident Reconstruction and Litigation” I got to know the main author, James Green, pretty well.  Jim is a former Ironman participant and engineering expert with a passion for putting bike cases together.  In addition to Accident Reports North Dakota getting up to swim umpteen miles at 5am, Jim is a martial arts expert who applies his 40 years of martial arts training to the discipline of accident reconstruction. You can read about Jim’s practice at

Just going to the crash scene with a guy like Jim is an experience as he immediately “sees” things you don’t see… the slopes, the gravel, the little nuances of a scene that help us trial lawyers understand what REALLY happened in the crash.  Once he puts it together he can  also “do the math” – the REAL math, the kind of math the old math majors like me LOVE to see… using the angles and the forces to map out what really happened… How DID the wheel get bent like that?  Why did the frame break apart?

Wheel Smaller

Using accident reconstruction experts in the proper case is just one of the ways we maximize the value of YOUR claim.  Contact Steven Magas Attorney At Law by email on our CONTACT page, or by phone at 513-484-BIKE.

Now, get out there and RIDE!!

Steve Magas

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